Federation of the
european societies
of Neuropsychology
Blue = Members
Yellow = Associate members



Name of Society Name in Home Language Acronym Country Representative e-mail website
Association for Neuropsychology Austria Gesellschaft für Neuropsychologie Österreich GNPÖ Austria Lettner Sandra sandra.lettner@gnpoe.at www.gnpoe.at
Flemish Neuropsychological Society Vlaamse Vereniging voor Neuropsychologie VVNP Belgium Lafosse Christophe  christophe.lafosse@revarte.be www.vvnp.be
The Czech Neuropsychological Society Česká neuropsychologická společnost CENES Czech Republic Kramska Lenka lenka.kramska@homolka.cz www.cenes.cz
Danish Neuropsychological Society Selskabet Danske Neuropsykologer SDN Denmark1 Bendstrup Glenn glennbb2@gmail.comwww.neuropsykologi.dk
Danish Child Neuropsychological Society Børne Neuro Psykologisk Selskab BNPS Denmark2 Bæk Bomme Luise psykolog@luisebomme.dk www.dp.dk/decentrale-enheder/dansk-psykolog-forenings-selskab-for-borneneuropsykologi/
Finnish Neuropsychological Society Suomen Neuropsykologinen Yhdistys SNPY Finland Levänen Sari sari-anne.levanen@hus.fi www.neuropsykologia.fi
French-Speaking Neuropsychological Society Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française SNLF France-Belgium (frenchpart) - Switzerland - Canada (French part) Allain Philippe philippe.allain@univ-angers.fr www.snlf.net
German Neuropsychological Society Gesellschaft für Neuropsychologie e.V. GNP Germany Niemann Hendrik hendrik.niemann@t-online.de www.gnp.de
Hellenic Neuropsychological Society Ελληνική Νευροψυχολογική Εταιρεία HNPS-ΕΝΨΕ Greece Kyriazis Alexandros alexandros.neuropsy@gmail.com  www.hnps.gr
Italian Society of Neuropsychology Societa’ Italiana di Neuropsicologia SINP Italy Guariglia Cecilia cecilia.guariglia@uniroma1.it www.sinp-web.org
Dutch Neuropsychological Society Nederlandse Vereniging voor Neuropsychologie NVN The Netherlands Schagen Sanne S.B.Schagen@uva.nl www.nvneuropsy.nl
Norwegian Neuropsychological Society Norsk Nevropsykologisk Forening NNF Norway Solveig L Hauger Solveig.LaegreidHauger@sunnaas.no www.nevropsyk.org
The Neuropsychological Division of the Polish Psychological Association Sekcja Neuropsychologiczna Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychologicznego SN PTP Poland Emilia Lojek emilia@psych.uw.edu.pl www.ptp.org.pl
Portuguese Section of Behavioural Neurology Secção Portuguesa de Neurologia do Comportamento SNC Portugal Granadeiro Marta sncportugal@gmail.com www.spneurologia.com
Federation of Spanish Societies of Neuropsychology Federación de Asociaciones de Neuropsicología Españolas FANPSE Spain Balagué Marta   info@neuropsicologia.cat www.fanpse.org
Swedish Neuropsychological Association Sveriges Neuropsykologers Förening SNPF Sweden Hedman Kristina kristina.hedman@rvn.se www.snpf.se
Swiss Association of Neuropsychology Schweizerische Vereinigung der Neuropsychologinnen und Neuropsychologen SVNP / ASNP Switzerland Ptak Radek    radek.ptak@hug.ch   www.neuropsy.ch
Turkish Neuropsychological Society Nöropsikoloji Derneği NPD Turkiye Deniz Büyükgök   deniz.buyukgok@istanbul.edu.trwww.noropsikoloji.org
British Neuropsychological Society British Neuropsychological Society BNS United Kingdom MacPherson Sarah sarah.macpherson@ed.ac.uk www.the-bns.org
Division of Neuropsychology, British Psychological Society Division of Neuropsychology, British Psychological Society DoN United Kingdom to be named (Chair of the DoN): Wright Ingram https://www.bps.org.uk/member-networks/division-neuropsychology

Associate Members

Name of Society Name in Home Language Acronym Country Representative e-mail website
The Czech Association for Neuropsychology Ceská asociace pro neuropsychologii CANP Czech Republic Tomas Nikolai tomas.nikolai@lf1.cuni.cz www.canp.cz
Society of Sports Neuropsychology Gesellschaft für Sport-Neuropsychologie e. V. GSNP Germany Daniela Golz and Bernadette-Maurer Grubinger  vorstand@gsnp.de  www.gsnp.de
Estonian Union of Psychologists Eesti Psühholoogide Liit EPL Estonia Margus Ennok margus.ennok@ut.ee www.epl.org.ee